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8 Million Reasons To Resist Junk Science and Save Your Kids
It wasn’t long ago that cutting out part of a person’s brain or sending substantial voltages of electricity through someone’s head was considered the most modern and effective treatment for mental illness. These ‘effective’ treatments often produced living corpses who became wards of the state. Beyond treatment, there are a number of legitimate concerns and criticisms surrounding how Psychologists or Psychiatrists decide a person is mentally ill or in need of various levels of therapy. The greatest embarrassment to mental health ‘professionals’ has been their inability to scientifically prove what constitutes a mental disorder. In the 1970’s, for example, thousands of people were found languishing in state mental health facilities throughout the United States who didn’t belong there. It was during that period that people suffering from cerebral palsy, physical disabilities or nothing at all were discovered among thousands of ‘patients’ at often dilapidated facilities. Mixed with a population of drug addicts, chronic alcoholics, habitual criminals and insane people were those who had been misdiagnosed as mentally ill. Many had been placed there by relatives unable or unwilling to take care of them. Others were admitted by legal authorities acting in good faith on the recommendations of medical professionals. Most had arrived as children or teenagers and been physically and sexually abused for years by other patients or caregivers themselves. Today, we are told that the ‘bad old days’ of mental health care are long gone. Mental Health Professionals are better informed, trained and have superior diagnostics and treatments to offer potential patients. These treatments often include drugs so caustic that, in liquid form, heavy gloves are required to pour them. Regarding diagnostics, here are some observations requiring a response that are taken directly from a form designed to detect mental illness:
1. At times I can't control the urge to strike another person. Ask yourself if you would like to end up taking a lifetime of potentially dangerous drugs or spending years in theory based on the way you respond to even a few of those statements? It may surprise you to find that eight million children in the USA are now receiving drugs to treat vague and unscientifically proven mental illnesses based on questions like that and the observation of ‘abnormal’ behavior by unqualified persons such as teachers, principals and school nurses. Once a teacher, principal or school nurse makes up their mind that your child needs help, watch out! They call in the school or district Psychologist or Psychiatrist who is, more often then not, glad to affirm their observations. Parents are called in, given the bad news and told officially or unofficially that their child will not be welcomed back in school until they are medicated or sign up for counseling sessions. School systems throughout the world have become outpatient clinics that supply children with daily doses of dangerous drugs to control abnormal behavior described as fidgeting, squirming in their seat, talking out of turn and not listening to a teacher or authority figure. When I was in school those behaviors were treated by a drug called Detention. Before you sign your child up for one of Doctor Feelgood’s miracle drugs, there are some things you should know and probably haven’t been told. The diagnosis and treatment of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) has become a breakout source of huge profits for drug companies, suburban treatment centers and caregivers. Once Psychiatrists and Psychologists started redefining normal childhood behavior as ‘abnormal’ or ‘deviant,’ they won the lotto for themselves and prescription drug companies. Take note that up until just a few years ago, those same health care professionals diagnosed gay and lesbian people as being abnormal, deviant and mentally ill. School shootings that occurred at Columbine High School in 1999 and a Native American Educational Facility in 2005, were committed by children being treated for ADHD with prescription drugs. In addition to being ignorant of the dangerous side effects and addiction these drugs can cause, children taking them are often unaware of some of the lifelong consequences associated with being treated for ADHD. The FDA tells us that there is no cure for ADHD. This means that once you begin receiving treatment for it, you will taking those drugs for the rest of your life. How long will it be before States or the Federal Government insist that people with ADHD continue on their medication until some doctor says they are cured? Even now, many States are limiting the ability of people diagnosed or being treated for ADHD to obtain professional licenses, serve in the field of law enforcement or work in various civil service jobs. Despite the fact that thousands of school children will be diagnosed with ADHD this year, there are no scientific tests to prove the condition even exists. The existence of the condition and recommended treatments are based solely on theory and conjecture. If a school is failing to educate a child, it has to be the fault of the child or parents. If it’s the child, mental illness has to be the answer and ADHD is often their best guess. Studies show that drug treatments don’t work. Children being given prescribed drugs fail just as many courses as children who do not take any. Children who do take the drugs are at risk. The FDA has reported that between 1990 and 1997 there were 160 deaths directly related to drugs used to treat ADHD. There were also hundreds of hospitalizations. Canada has already banned Adderall XR. It was used to treat ADHD, but twenty sudden deaths associated with its use have raised serious concerns. The FDA in the United States has not banned this drug. Ritalin, a more popular drug used to treat ADHD, may be even more dangerous. According to Peter R. Breggin, M.D., Director of the International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology and associate faculty at The Johns Hopkins University, It decreases blood flow to the brain. This can suppress normal physical and mental growth patterns in children. While counseling is not as harmful as turning your kid into a prescription drug addict, it can have some very serious side effects for you and your family. It’s during professional mental health counseling sessions that serious instances of physical, mental or even sexual abuse are often ‘discovered’ by the therapist as repressed memories. Even more shocking, a determination of what constitutes abuse is left almost entirely up to the Therapist. Just yelling at your child can prompt a visit from Child Protective Services or get you hauled into Family Court. All because you listened to a ‘mental health profession’ and wanted the best for your child. One hundred years ago doctors offered ‘bleeding’ as a treatment for everything from serious physical injury to a headache. Today, parents are being encouraged to turn their children over to doctors and caregivers who depend on junk science to treat conditions with have no basis in scientific fact. Before you make a decision like that, look into the matter very carefully. The future success and happiness of your child may depend on it. More... The Government Hides From the Truth About ADHD Drugs and Targets Toddlers After helping to turn over three million young people under the age of nineteen into prescription drug addicts, the FDA is now trying to hide from the consequences. While touting the benefits of drugs that treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), many physicians have ignored or failed to factor in the dangerous side effects of Ritalin and other ADHD pharmaceuticals. These side effects cannot only affect children taking the drugs in a negative way, but those around them according to long-term studies. Members of an FDA advisory panel have encouraged the government agency to issue a new and stronger ’black box’ style-warning label for ADHD drugs. However, the FDA Pediatric Advisory Panel voted against it. In attempting to reach a compromise in March of 2006, the Food and Drug Administration decided to clarify, rather then strengthen ADHD prescription drug labels. This is certainly no surprise considering the obvious and almost immediate affect that a stronger label would have on the credibility of the agency and all the doctors who have prescribed these drugs over the years. But the FDA isn’t the only government entity worried about Ritalin. According to a study by the Heritage Foundation, U.S. Military recruiting is down and the few good men and women usually sought after are just not as available as they used to be. Things like obesity, a lack of proper education and the use of ADHD prescription drugs have severely reduced the once plentiful pool of boot camp candidates. Many States have also shut out ADHD prescription drug users from holding various professional licenses, working as Police Officers or Prison Guards. Despite these and many other voluntary and mandatory career limitations, some members of the Federal Government just can’t wait to get your kids on Ritalin. According to the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, millions of newborns, toddlers and preschoolers may have undiagnosed mental health conditions. The Federal Mental Health Action Agenda has encouraged local and state governments to place mental health consultants in settings where infants, toddlers and preschoolers are present and may be observed for early signs of ADHD. The government is more than willing to pay the bill for all this through the federal Prevention and Early Intervention Grant Program. It’s a given that parents who reject the diagnosis of an ADHD disorder will probably face the stigma or possible legal ramifications of failing to treat a child with a serious illness. This already happens every day throughout the United States. The bad news about over ADHD began when parents began to question some of the symptoms used to help diagnose the alleged disorder. Things as common as fidgeting and not paying attention for a few moments could easily place a child in the line for Ritalin handouts at school. Beyond arguments over diagnosing the disorder, the news isn’t any better for those already on ADHD drugs like Ritalin, Adderall XR, Focalin and Strattera. According to studies that began in the year 2000, a number of children taking these prescriptions have reported hallucinations, exhibited sudden and unprovoked violent behavior or experienced physical problems. Some have died. While many medical doctors and educators have embraced ADHD as a mental disability, courts have disagreed to date.