Somewhere along the way, writing became a profession instead of an expressive art form. Most professional writers that I know are miserable. The few who can get anything published face unrealistic deadlines, the constant threat of unemployment or are forced to write about things that they have no interest in or know too little about. Why? Because they had a desire at sometime in their life to put pen to paper and made the mistake of trying to play by the rules.
The entire system which spits out writers is flawed beyond repair. It accounts for the fact that most people who have a desire to write will never have any hope of getting published in a meaningful way. If they do, what makes it into print is unlikely to resemble anything original. It’s not going to be something which came from that Writer’s heart and soul. Instead, it’s likely to be a carefully orchestrated and constructed piece created by a mechanical hand whose arm is controlled by those who tell us what people want to read.
The problem begins with the way most writers are trained. In elementary school we were all told to write short stories without much thought given to sentence structure or the rules of grammar. The idea was to develop spelling skills, the ability to tell a story and put it on paper. In Junior High and High School, word usage, the rules of grammar and sentence structure were thrown into the mix. But if you’re experience was similar to mine, creativity was still encouraged and rewarded. Then came college!
Attending your first journalism or creative writing class is like the first day of Marine Boot Camp. You are stripped of everything that makes you an individual and told that all your knowledge is useless. The rules have changed. Your entire purpose on earth suddenly amounts to pleasing an instructor who has probably never written anything read by anyone except other Academics. You are forced to exist inside the unrealistic world of a culture of education that will put it’s claws into you and fight like crazy not to let go.
Before you decide to hand your soul over to a hierarchy of untalented hacks, stop and think about how much your creativity is worth? If you’re willing to pay any price to get published, welcome to Creative Writing 101. Just make sure you check your brain and self-expression at the classroom door. Even the slightest attempt at individuality will be met with the threat of failure. Play by their rules, or don’t play at all.
If you really want your work to get noticed, be a stand up writer! Stop trying to fit your project into someone else’s box. The three keys to great writing are style, creativity and individuality. The way you tell a story is just as important as the story you’re trying to tell. If you allow someone else to dictate how you tell a story, it becomes theirs, not yours. Allow your individuality to shine through. WRITE IT in the same way you would SAY IT. That provides you with an individual writing style that fosters creativity and makes your work stand out from the rest.
Creativity, individuality and style should be your first consideration, not your last. Too much emphasis is placed on format. While you need to be sure that your writing meets the grammatical and structural standards expected by any potential publisher, it’s ridiculous to start there and then fill in the blanks! But that’s exactly what many writers do.
Be flexible when it comes to the way you place your content within a sentence, paragraph or the entire article, essay or manuscript. Create a flow that is natural for you and comfortable for the reader. Don’t worry about what some editor will think. Most don’t! They just read. If they like what they read, they’ll probably purchase your work. If not, they won’t. But it’s a sure bet that after looking at eight hundred manuscripts with exactly the same number of words on each page and all written in the same style, it’s possible that one with some individuality might just make it off the slush pile.
Contrary to what most how-to books on getting your writing published say, it’s passion that is most likely to impress potential buyers. Writing, in any form, should always be passionate. It’s the passion in a written work that will make the public want to read it. That makes a publisher want to buy it. Before you decide to write a 100,000 word manuscript that reads like all the rest and keeps the format police happy, consider what you might be giving up. It could be that an article or manuscript with your particular personality and passion for your subject is just what a literary agent, publisher or the public is looking for!
Read more by Bill at Make Life Work For You
Publish Your Own eZine Without A Website Publishing an eZine without a website is certainly possible since you really only need to be able to send your newsletter to your readers using email. However, most publishers like to post the past issues of the newsletters and this is usually done on a website. Also, in text email you cannot embed AdSense ads and other revenue generating items. In the HTML format of the website you are able to do this to develop some potential for revenue. Also, the website gives you a location where you can post a form for new subscribers to complete for entry into your database. Having a web site is definitely an advantage in publishing an eZine, but it is not absolutely necessary. A new concept that has recently developed is to use a blog to post past issues of the newsletters so people can read them in HTML format. Let’s discuss a blog and blogging. Blog is short for web log. It is an online journal or newsletter that is published by someone on the Internet for public reading. The largest blog site on the Internet is This site started in 1999 and was purchased by Google in 2002. The site on the Internet that keeps statistics on the traffic for every site on the Internet is called always ranks very high on Alexa since it is so popular and has so much traffic. Traffic to your site is the major factor for the success or failure of your site. Your site’s position on Google or Yahoo search engines for your key words will make or break you. Having your newsletter on Blogger helps since the Google spiders check the blogs quickly when new information is posted. This will give you much quicker exposure to the search engines than posting your newsletters to your own website. Boomer eZine made a decision to continue to post copies of the newsletter on both the Boomer eZine web site (See link to site in resource information below) and also on the Boomer eZine blog on There are some great advantages of using a blog for the archives of your eZine.
By John V. W. Howe
Since AdSense is such an important part of this program, I recommend that you join it first and then set up your blog. AdSense is a Google program that you set up on your web pages. It reads the content of the page and automatically places ads on the page that match the page’s theme or content. When a reader clicks on an AdSense ad on your page and makes a purchase, you receive a commission on the sale. All you have to do is allow the AdSense program on your pages and Google does the rest. It is an ingenious system and one that has revolutionized advertising on the Internet. If you are not already a member of AdSense, you can join it at
Once you have set up your account, go to Blogger at and follow the three easy steps on the page. Once you open an account, you will name your blog, and then choose a template. There are several templates to choose from which is the hardest part of the set up. Don’t get too concerned about the template since you can change it whenever you want to.
Now you can set up the blog for your eZine. (You can have multiple blogs in your account). However, I would recommend that you create a blog about your thoughts and experiences while you are planning your eZine launch and make daily entries in that blog. This will give you experience on how to maintain a blog. I think you will have fun doing it. Just remember that the world sees your information in the blog so don’t give away any confidential information about your new eZine.
Good luck with your newsletter and your blog.
Copyright 2006 John Howe, Inc.
John V. W. Howe is an entrepreneur, author, inventor, patent holder, husband, father, and grandfather. He has been involved in entrepreneurial activities for over 40 years. He founded and to help Boomers (baby boomers) become entrepreneurs when they retire.
RSS Integration: Personalized Online Marketing
By Scott Lindsay
As with most online marketing strategies there is a link between the various facets of marketing. For example there is a compatibility link between a business blog (b-blog) and a forum board. There is also a link between a b-blog and a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed.
Allow customers to decide what is most important.
By using an RSS feed in conjunction with your b-blog you are extending a courtesy to your valued customers. They can choose to be ‘fed’ blog entries that are compatible with their personal interests. Don’t be surprised if they visit at times other than an RSS prompt.
This concept can also be implemented with a content-rich website where new articles are being added on a regular basis. These new articles are a draw to those who access an RSS feed because it allows a hands-free feed of desired information from sources they trust.
An RSS feed allows you the opportunity to become a trusted source for information.
Integrated technology in marketing
Online marketing is the next logical step for brick and mortar stores. Whether you have a store front or find yourself exclusively web-based you can take advantage of available technologies allowing you to maximize the impact you have on prospects and existing customers.
The prospect of merging existing technologies into a comprehensive online marketing plan can be a little disconcerting if you aren’t really sure how these technologies work or how they perform together.
By spending some time in research or by outsourcing some of the design features that allow the integration to take place you are laying the groundwork that will positively impacting the future productivity of your online business.
Many blogging sites allow the implementation of site RSS at no extra costs to their customers while web browsers like Firefox already have a built in RSS reader that allows the end-user easy access the information they are most interested in.
As your website and/or blog grows you will find more and more people accessing the RSS feature. This is a great tool that provides a motivated list of contacts. Every time you post a new article on your website or post something on your blog the information is quickly directed to the parties most interested.
RSS simply offers another consumer tool that permits your clients to be in control of the information they receive, your job is to provide quality information and quietly allow it to connect with a receptive audience.
Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of HighPowerSites and many other web projects. HighPowerSites is the easiest do-it-yourself website builder on the web. No programming or design skill required. Get your own website online in just 5 minutes with at:
How Book Design and Book Marketing Will Keep Your Book Alive
By Sidney Smith
Too many authors spend all their time on writing, then scrimp on book design and book marketing. They hope that their publisher will handle all the details of book design and book marketing, so that they can just sit back and rake in the millions year after year.
Then, if these same authors decide to self-publish, they'll quickly get lost in the morass of print on demand publishers and the time and money sink hole of self-publishing. In fact, most authors would rather die than think about book marketing, or spend money on book design.
Facing your book marketing competition
In 2005, around 172,000 books were published with an ISBN number, according to Bowker, which compiles publishing statistics. An ISBN number will get you into Books in Print, and allows your book to be distributed to bookstores and online sites like Amazon and Barnes & Noble. According to some sources, nearly one quarter of these books were printed by Print on Demand (POD) companies.
I'd estimate that number to be much higher, as many small publishers are having their books printed by Lightning Source, which also provides printing for many of the larger POD companies.
Additionally, Lulu Press, who publishes over 1500 books per week, says that only about 5% of their books get an ISBN number. That's another 80,000 or so books circulating in the market each year, although most of Lulu's books are only sold through Lulu Press on their web site.
The definition of "Best Seller" has changed
It only takes 300 book sales to get on Lulu's all-time top 100 bestsellers list. 300 books! For some people, that can be attained simply by selling books to their extended family. While AuthorHouse, iUniverse, Xlibris, and other big players in the POD market might print more books with ISBN numbers, their sales records aren't much better.
Some sources estimate that the average book sells no more than 150 copies, and other sources put that number at below fifty copies. In many cases, authors end up losing money on their books, which is why Lulu Press is so popular. At Lulu, you can upload your book interior and cover (you do all the design work), and have a book on your doorstep within days - all for the "cost of printing" (which is highly inflated, by the way).
The services and prices of POD companies vary widely, which is why we're in the final stages of creating a comprehensive guide on self-publishing. It can be a confusing morass of information and data, with many unsubstantiated claims. The truth shall be revealed.
Will you be one of the winners, or part of the majority?
Will your book be dead before it hits the streets? If you have any intention of selling more than 50 books, then you'll have to invest time - and money - into the production and marketing of your book. Here are the basic steps you'll have to consider:
1. Write a great book that's got an audience.
One of the biggest mistakes people make is to assume that people will read their book just because it's "good." People will read a book if it is either applicable to their lives (non-fiction), or if it really is a damned good book (fiction). Even then, you'll have to market your book. "How to sell a book" or "How to market a book" are two of the top questions we get, and search engine analysis shows that these are frequent search terms. If you haven't written your book with an audience in mind, then you're down to three legs on your four-legged marketing stool.
2. Spend some money on book cover design and book editing.
The second leg of book marketing is the interior and exterior design of the book. People do judge a book by its cover, so if you're not spending some money on getting an outstanding cover, you're losing sales. Then, people will open the book and read the intro or first few pages. Is it well-written? Easy to read? Is the interior book design clean, consistent, and well-implemented. I've seen many POD books in which the margins were too small, the fonts poorly chosen, and the images fuzzy. Who's going to buy a book like that?
There are many great book cover designers. Then for editing, contact Charity at for your editing needs. Don't scrimp on the editing because you WILL make mistakes (trust me on this - there are probably a few in this article).
3. Choose a good quality publisher.
Lulu Press is great if you just want to print a few books for your friends, or create a low-cost galley to send to editors, agents, or distributors. You'll often be asked to send a "galley" of your book, which is simply a printed copy of your book with a blank cover. Lulu Press is great for creating galleys at minimal cost.
As we'll show you in our upcoming comprehensive guide to self-publishing, which POD company you choose depends on your intentions and desires. If you want to have your book professionally edited and the cover professionally designed by your publisher (instead of outsourcing to some unknown person), then companies like Cold Tree Press ( might be a good choice. Other companies offer a varied level of marketing packages. Personally, I'd rather stay away from having these publishers market my book, and instead go to a good book marketing expert or media specialist.
But, there are a few small publishers (like Cold Tree Press or Arbor Books) who have excellent book marketing packages, ranging from several hundred to several thousand dollars (you get what you pay for!).
4. Take a "no holds barred" approach to book marketing.
If your book is your life, or is a major part of your business marketing plan, then spend some money on publicity and book marketing. Too many people, especially business people, write a book, put a page up on their web site (and on Amazon), and hope that they'll get some sales. Your book is like a 250 page business card, and it should be used accordingly.
If your book is your life story or a novel, you still need to spend some money on marketing, although your approach will be different. Definitely check out a media relations specialist (Marika Flatt at or Book Marketing Specialist (Penny Sansevieri at
5. Use the Internet to market your book.
The old ways of marketing books, such as book tours, are dead and gone. Sure, you can still do them, but if you really want to sell books, you'll have to go online - and not quietly.
Use techniques such as blogs (blogging), Podcasting, and Videocasting (something like online infomercials). Be sure to check out the advanced book marketing teleseminar series at You should also learn how to do a Virtual Book tour (a class Penny Sansevieri will be teaching through Write and Publish Your Book).
So, write a great book, find a good book cover designer and book editor, work with a quality publisher, market the heck out of your book, and use the Internet to market your book with podcasts, blogging (an author blog), videocasts, and virtual book tours.
Good luck. Good writing. Good selling.
If you're a writer or solo entrepreneur, then you need to visit the Publishing and Self-Publishing website. Tips & resources for writers; advice on publishing or self-publishing, and relatively unbiased media relations assistance. Check out our Avanced Marketing teleseminars on Podcasting, Self-Publishing, Publishing and Marketing for writers and solo entrepreneurs.
Freelance Copywriter Secrets: Free Sample Marketing
By Charles Brown
As a freelance copywriter, I am always doing research. I study other people’s copy (there are some who say I am looking for ideas to steal, and they would be right), I read books on marketing, copywriting, advertising, web design, professional rainmaking, and all sorts of stuff that only a copywriting wonk would be interested in.
But I especially like doing research that involves free food.
There is a mall near my home that has a giant food court. Also known as a trap for the weak-willed dieter.
A favorite marketing ploy for some of the restaurants is to give away free samples of their food. I know this because I walked by one place that served Cajun food about six or seven times the other day, and they kept offering me small samples of food on a toothpick. I never said I was proud.
But after I was full of the free food, I sat down and watched how much business the various places were doing. Sure enough, the restaurants offering free samples were doing well over twice as much business as those that did not.
Why does this work? Well I believe there are two reasons.
The first reason is obvious, a free sample gives the hungry customer a taste of what the rest of the meal will be like and often that small taste is enough to make an undecided shopper choose that restaurant.
But the second reason is in my mind more interesting. In Robert Cialdini’s essential book, Influence: Science and Practice, he explains a powerful persuasion technique he calls The Law of Reciprocity. Reciprocity is the social obligation we feel when someone does something for us. When this happens, we are inclined to do something good back to that person.
Cialdini cites all kinds of research by social scientists and historians as examples of the Law of Reciprocity. In one study, a college professor sent out Christmas cards to a list of total strangers. The response he received was amazing. He received many, many cards back from people who had never met him and did not even ask who he was.
Another example Cialdini cites involves the religious cult, the Hare Krishna Society. For years in the 1970s and 80s they would approach people in public places, particularly airports, begging for donations. At first their results were pretty dismal, but then they changed tactics and started giving the strangers a free gift before asking for a donation.
The free gifts worked. Their donations skyrocketed until people became wise to their methods and started avoided them and airports enacted restrictions against their activities.
Cialdini also points to a study of waiters and waitresses. The study found that when they included a candy or mint with the customer’s bill, their tips were much higher than without the gift.
Another example was President Lyndon Johnson, known for his record of getting a truly awesome amount of legislation passed during his presidency. The reason was simple. In the many years prior to becoming JFK’s Vice President, Johnson had been a master of giving favors to his congressional colleagues.
Then when he became president, he had many lawmakers who were indebted to him and he was able to get favorable votes even from people who were philosophically opposed to his agenda.
OK, you are thinking, this is all very interesting but what does it have to do with copywriting? I’m glad you asked.
Recently I wrote an article called, Freelance Copywriter Secrets: Why 2-Step Ads Make More Sales, in which I explained that 2-step advertising produces much better results than one-shot ads in which the entire sale is attempted at one time.
The simple fact is that people like to receive free information and use it to help them make buying decisions. Just like the restaurants in the mall, the free information they receive from you is a sample of your work and demonstrates your expertise.
But also your free information product creates a connection between you and your potential customer. That connection is the Law of Reciprocity at work. Reciprocity says that, on balance, they are more likely to give their business to you than to someone else who sent them nothing.
In another recent article, Freelance Copywriter Secrets: 7 Copywriting Tips For Giving Free Information, I also showed the many ways you as a marketer can make free information products available. For example, a law firm can’t very well give would-be clients a “free sample” in the form of representing them for a free trial, or a free divorce.
But that same firm can send out a white paper to business owners on how to avoid liability, what to do if you think a dispute might turn into a lawsuit, how to preserve evidence and other matters directly relevant to business clients.
How would this firm market this white paper? Well it could put an ad in a local magazine that did not promote the firm itself as much as the free information. It could also conduct a seminar for business owners. Regardless of the means used, the point of any promotion would be the availability of the free white paper and the benefits of reading it.
Just like giving away free samples at the food court.
Now, if you'll pardon me. I'm going back to the mall, I'm feeling hungry again.
COPYRIGHT(C)2006, Charles Brown. All rights reserved.
Charles Brown is a Dallas, Texas based freelance copywriter who writes web copy, advertisements, newsletter articles and direct mail that turns readers into YOUR customers. Visit his blog at or contact him at 817.715.3852 or ****.
4 Ways to Make More Money From Your Ebooks
By Jinger Jarrett
So you've written an ebook. Now what?
Ebook writing, like book writing, can be a lucrative way to sell your products and services, as well as vary the offerings on your website.
The advantage of selling ebooks is that you can automate the process from start to finish. Once you've written your ebook, all you have to do is create a sales page, set up your payment processing, and you're in business.
You probably know already that you should write a press release, as well as articles, and submit them to the appropriate directories. These two techniques will help you get the word out about your new ebook.
However, have you considered these techniques?
1. Submit to Ebook Directories
There are at least 20 different ebook directories on the internet. This doesn't include the directories you can submit your ebook to if you are selling your ebook.
You can create a sample chapter or a sample of your ebook and submit it to the free directories. This will help you build backlinks to your website, as well as give your ebook a better exposure.
2. Sell on Lulu -
If you want to use the real power of leverage, you can sell your product on Lulu. Lulu allows you to upload unlimited manuscripts for free and set them up to sell them. You can also offer a print version of your ebook, as well as audios or videos. This allows you to expand your product line very easily.
Lulu handles the sales process from start to finish for you and sends you a check each month. Lulu takes a 20 percent commission on each sale and you get the rest.
For a small fee, you can use global distribution and get your ebook in all of the major online bookstores.
3. Start an Affiliate Program
An affiliate program is another powerful form of leverage you can use to sell your ebook. By using an affiliate program, you can build your own sales force to sell for you. Although you will need to pay commissions, this is a passive form of sales for you, and you make money from the efforts of others.
When you use the right affiliate program management software, you can build valuable backlinks to your website. This will raise your rankings in the search engines and maybe give you some extra traffic and sales.
4. Get Reviews
This is actually a combination of affiliate programs and joint ventures. Depending on who you ask to review your new ebook, you could walk away with all of the profits.
Some sites are looking for new material to talk about, not join your affiliate program or joint venture. By finding reviewers for your new ebook, you can build backlinks, create a buzz about your new ebook, and further increase your network of passive traffic.
When looking for sites to review your ebook, use a site like Alexa to help you find high traffic sites on your topic. Search the sites for reviews and contact site owners.
You can also use the following sites to get you started:
Blog Critics -
About -
Bella Online -
How you promote your ebook is up to you. The harder you promote, the more sales you are likely to make.
Jinger Jarrett is the author of "1001 High Traffic Sites to Market Your Business for Free". Promote your business on high traffic sites like Google, Yahoo, and MSN news for free.
Can I Use a Blog or My Space to Promote My Book?
By Michelle Dunn
I have tried both using a blog and My Space to promote myself and my books. I had heard of My Space but thought it was a place for teens or kids, the description on their website is “a place for friends”. One afternoon I was reading an issue of Entrepreneur and they had a story about a woman who said she had used My Space as a marketing tool for her business. My first thought was “there are business people on My Space?” So I checked it out. I found there were very few business people that were active members, and a lot of teens, younger kids, musicians and people looking to party and meet other people with similar interests. I also saw that they have groups and some do pertain to business while some seem as if they are business related but are “Get Rich Quick” groups. There are groups for anything you can imagine someone might have an interest in. Many for authors grouped by genre. I thought I would try it, since I like to try everything to market myself and my books and it was free! I created my profile page, uploaded my pictures and began browsing the site for other business owners.
I have met a few people that I network with but I did not have a huge response or increased traffic to my website or orders of my books because of my myspace page. It is a fun way to meet a few other business people but you also have to weed through the emails from people just “hanging out” there and sending you emails about dating or partying. I found it was not worth the time and effort to continuously maintain a My Space profile for my business, but am hoping that will change. It was taking me too much time to weed through all the “friend requests” and “emails” from people who had no interest in my books or business. I have left my page up and do check it occasionally as well as post to my blog. My Space page also comes up when someone does a search on Google or Yahoo for me, so that is a bonus as well. If they find me on My Space and then visit my website, I have accomplished what I started out to do.
My recommendation with My Space is that if you have the time to create a page and do a little searching for business groups and people, it is something that does not hurt you to have it out there, but I wouldn’t count on it to help you make more sales or increase your websites traffic.
Depending on what you are marketing, a blog at My Space may be the tool for you. Tish Hill, from “Off the Hanger” which sells, buys and trades quality high-end used clothing and accessories tells me that she had no experience in blogging, websites or anything to market her business online. “My Space is a great option for me because my target audience is young people who want high quality fashion without the big price tags.” states Tish. “My Space is user friendly, anyone can create a page without any technical knowledge” says Tish. “You can screen the friends you accept, so you have quality contacts, and send out bulletins of special events or sales and keep a blog with fashion tips and ideas from what we have in the store.” I think this is a great option for young people who visit My Space; to have other profiles to view that are positive if they are going to be “hanging out” on My Space.
Depending on your business and who your target audience is, My Space can work to help market your business. Check it out and you can decide if it is a good fit.
When you blog, it is like a diary. You can post every day, a few times a day or whenever you have something you want to share with your readers. In my case, my blog is about Credit Policy for businesses and how to extend credit and manage credit risk. The difference here and why this is so much more successful with marketing yourself than My Space, is that this is a blog for business! My Space does not provide me with my target audience, but Know More Media does, so this is a perfect fit if you have something of interest to entrepreneurs, business owners or business professionals.
When you use a blog to market yourself and your books, remember it is not a bulletin board for advertisements. You can list accomplishments, such as a book release or press event, but don’t blatantly advertise your books. If you do, you will not have many readers. Give your readers valuable information, and update it often to keep them coming back and to keep the search engines coming back to index your blog. You want to post quality information, for example, I write books about collecting money and starting a collection agency. In my blog posts I try to give people tips on how to collect more money, or what is going on in the news in regards to my subject matter. You can incorporate other authors from your genre and do little interviews with them, link to their websites, and have them linked to your blog.
Easton Ellsworth who writes for “Business Blog Wire ( and is also an associate editor for the Know More Media network of blogs about business has some great tips for authors who want to utilize a blog to help promote their books. “A blog can promote your books in many ways. You could use a blog to tell existing and potential customers about new books, products or services” states Easton. “No matter what you do with a blog, make sure you have a clear plan before you start blogging about anything and everything.” Says Easton.
Easton was kind enough to share with me a simple process anyone can use to launch a blog right:
• Choose a specific purpose and target audience.
• Pick a smart URL and title.
• Establish guidelines for the person(s) who will write for the blog.
• Read other blogs and talk to bloggers in your industry.
• Prepare a modest collection of ready-to-publish posts and quietly put several of them online.
• When you’re ready, tell the world about your blog!
I have a blog ( through Know More Media, which is an online publisher of business information and news. The authors provide a broad spectrum of business knowledge, publishing their expertise on a continual basis. This is a great marketing tool.
Michelle Dunn, author of an award winning book, has spent the last 18 years stepping into dangerous debt collection potholes. She shares her hard-won expertise on debt collection with the release of a Second Edition title in her “Collecting Money Series.” She is the founder and president of Never Dunn Publishing, LLC, is a writer, teacher, and consultant. Michelle started and ran M.A.D. Collection Agency for 8 years. She created Credit & Collections a nine year old Association for credit and business professionals with over 978 members.
Michelle has been featured in, The Nilson Report, The Wall Street Journal, Ladies Home Journal, PC World, Home Business Magazine, Home Business Journal, Entrepreneur, Professional Collector, Credit & Collections Risk, NH Business Review and in many books including Home Based Business for Dummies. Michelle has been a featured guest on (NPR) National Public Radio and has been in many newspapers and magazines nationwide as well as on the CBS Early Show.
Really Simple Syndication – RSS
By John V. W. Howe
RSS is the newest, hottest technology on the Net. Whoa! Did you pull back just from hearing the word technology? Don’t be concerned about the “how does it work”, but let’s concentrate on what it can do for you.
Let’s discuss Really Simple Syndication. What is syndication? In the off line world, it is associated with comic strips or a particular feature writer in the newspaper such as Ann Landers. The comic or article was developed and for a fee was syndicated to any newspaper that wanted to carry it. It would appear simultaneously in many newspapers across the country.
On the Net, most of the syndication does not cost anything. Most sites or companies that supply “feed” for syndication do so for free because they are looking for the exposure from the information and advertising that is carried in the feed.
When you go to the home page on Yahoo, Google, or MSN, you will see news, weather, sports, etc. displayed on the page. This information is coming through a feed from other websites and will automatically update on the home page without the owner of that page having to do anything.
What do you need to read RSS? Simple answer …… You need an RSS reader. The easiest way to get one is to subscribe to “My Yahoo”. Sign in on your “My Yahoo” page and it contains an RSS reader for you to use. Go to and click on the “My Yahoo” icon to sign on or to register.
When get your “My Yahoo” account set up and log in under your user name, look in the top left of the window and click “Add Content”. You will be presented a form to complete for feeds by subject. Don’t bother with this search box. To the right of the search box in small letters is “Add RSS by URL”. Click that link and you will be presented another search page where you can set up the feed from a particular website. There are feeds from Retirement Jobs and Boomer-eZine if your want to experiment with setting up RSS in your Yahoo reader.
DO NOT CLICK THE FOLLOWING URL. Highlight it and right click on it. Select copy and then paste it into the search box on Yahoo. Then click the “Add” box to the right of the search box. You now have added an RSS feed to your “My Yahoo” page.
OK you say. What is all the big fuss about RSS? Just stop and think about what this can do for you as a surfer on the Net. If you have particular sites that you check regularly for information, you have to spend time looking through the sites to see if new info has been posted.
If you set up an RSS feed from that site to your “My Yahoo” or any other RSS reader that you choose (and there are hundreds of them) you do not waste time having to look for changes. You are notified when a change takes place by the RSS feed and you can click right to it. As we say in Texas, “That is slicker than cow slobber”. I challenge you to find anything that is slicker than the slobber of a cow.
RSS is used extensively by bloggers to monitor blogs for new posts.
Now, on the flip side, if you have a website or a blog and you publish information, establishing a RSS feed will put your publication on the feeds on the Net so it can be picked up by additional people. These contacts will possibly become subscribers. This is a way to build additional traffic and it is free. Anyone who has a website or a blog or publishes a newsletter should establish an RSS feed for it.
RSS feeds are great tools for expanding your publishing options and I recommend that you set up a feed to help expand your online business.
I wish you the best in adding RSS to your website.
Copyright 2006 John Howe, Inc.
John V. W. Howe is an entrepreneur, author, inventor, patent holder, husband, father, and grandfather. He has been involved in entrepreneurial activities for over 40 years. He founded and to help Boomers (baby boomers) become entrepreneurs when they retire.
5 Ways To Make Money With Blogs
By Mal Keenan
There are hundreds of ways to make money on the internet, but most oversee the idea of making money with blogs. Blogs are a great way to promote articles, discuss various ideas, and promote your website itself. However, there are several ways you can make money with blogs as well. Here are 5 ways to make money with blogs.
1. Sell advertising
The most common way people make money with blogs is selling advertising. If you build a large blog you can sell advertising space for people to put their ads on your blog. However, a majority of people aren’t capable of building a blog big enough to do this. That is where Google AdSense and BlogAds can help you. It is free and they pay you based on the number of people that click their ads for further information.
2. Sell your products
A blog is a great place to discuss advice and opinions on various subjects. It can also be a great place to promote your product and tell them how it can benefit them. Whether it’s your blog or someone else’s, look at it as an opportunity to fulfill peoples’ needs, not that you are just selling your product.
3. Affiliate programs
This is a great way to make money with blogs that hardly anyone even considers. By mentioning the product, the affiliate program will provide you with a clickable link to hyperlink the word with. This way if people are interested in your blog post and click on the product word, they are directed to the affiliate program website where you make commission on all products they buy.
4. Sell your website
It may seem cliché because everyone sells their own website and business through blogs. However, it is your approach that can mean the difference of you making money with blogs or not. If you spend the whole time talking you will seem uninterested in others’ insight. If you incorporate others’ thoughts and opinions and strike up a conversation with little bits and pieces about your business, you soon will have them reeled in. By talking about their business and showing interest you will find that more people are interested in your business in turn.
5. Consistency
The more you post the more chances people have to see you and your website link. It is vital that you make one post a day or at minimum a few a week. This way people become accustomed to seeing your posts and hearing your advice or questions. This is a great way to build relationships, which will help you sell your product, share ideas, and promote your website.
If you take the time to put in the effort in blogs you can easily make money with blogs. There are some people that make a living through making money with blogs. However it is commitment, consistency, and your approach that can either break your or make you money with blogs.
Copyright 2006 Mal Keenan
For More Info on Making A Full-Time Income with Blogs Check Out: Rob Benwells Baby Blogging Bonanza Let Mal show you how you can get your own automated money making blog set up in minutes: Autoblog Income
10 Effective Ways to Optimize Wordpress for Search Engines and Traffic
By Hiram Davis
1. Use Descriptive Titles, and Mod-Rewritten Permalinks
Descriptive titles will bring relevant traffic to your site. This is one of the most important things you can do to your site to bring SE traffic to it. While I'm writing this article specifically for WordPress, I'm sure you probably could find similar mods or plugins for other blog engines to take their place. When I say a descriptive title, I don't mean to spam your blog's titles with keywords, I mean to write a short summary of the post contained within it that lets users know what they're fixing to read. Think of it from the users side: If you're on Google and you see a site titled "Hosting, Domains, Design, DNS - Joes Web Hosting", and a site titled "Great Hosting from Joes Web Hosting", which one would you click? Even though I dramatized the example, I made my point. Another thing to consider is phrases. When a user enters a phrase that's on one of your blog's titles, it will most likely be ranked higher than other pages. For example, if someone's looking for "Great Hosting", the post titled "Great Hosting from Joes Web Hosting" will rank higher (though, not much higher since that's such a general term). Secondly, you should use mod_rewritten links on your blog. This requires a server with Apache installed, with the rewrite module. This is a great tip, since it will place keywords in your individual post URLs.
For example, instead of "", you'd get "". This, along with descriptive titles will help your blog out greatly.Wordpress has this built-in, but you must first configure it. Login to your WP admin area. Once the page loads, select "Options" from the upper menu bar, then select "Permalinks" on the next page. I recommend using "Date and Name Based", or enter this custom value in the box towards the bottom of your screen: "/%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%/". After doing this, you must update your ".htaccess" file so it rewrites the URLs correctly.
2. Remove your blog's name from Individual Post Page Titles
While this may seem counter-productive, it's actually a good idea. When your blog is indexed by Google (or any other search engine), many times the pages are seen as being too-close together and they are omitted from the search results because of this. This also reduces the relevancy of search results from your site, since your blog's name is taken into account by the search engine. By removing your site's title, you can (in most cases) cure this problem. To do this, look in your Wordpress' "header.php" file. This is found in your theme's directory.
Find the following code:
Replace it with the following code:
3. Install the Mega tag description and Keyword plugins
META tags aren't as important as they used to be, but they are still a factor in the ranking of your site, especially on smaller search engines. For META decription/keyword tags to be effective, you must choose relevant and unique tags. However, both of these mods do this for you to some extent. You can choose your own, or use the default ones (either one is fine, since the plugins generally choose good keywords and a good description by themselves). If I had to choose between the two of these plugins, I'd say to just go with the description tag (though both are better). To find these plugins, just do a Google search for "keyword meta tag plugin Wordpress" and "description meta tag Wordpress plugin", or something similar (as these plugins/Wordpress may be updated rendering the old links useless).
4. Install the Google Sitemaps Plugin and Submit to Google
Installing the Google Sitemap Plugin can decrease the amount of time it takes Google to index your site dramatically. It generally takes weeks or months (depending on the size of your site, sometimes sooner) for Google to index new pages on your site. With the Sitemap Plugin, this amount of time can be reduced to just hours. To install this plugin, simply do a Google search for "Wordpress Google Sitemap Plugin", find it, and download it. Installation is just like a normal plugin. Once installed, submit your Sitemap to Google at "". As of writing, you'll also have to verify that the site is your own by either inserting a META tag into your site, or by uploading a specifically named HTML file.
5. Submit your RSS Feed to Other Sites
Submitting your RSS to other sites can increase your traffic substantially. Each time your blog's RSS feed is updated, you can have the other sites download the new feed and index your site (see the Pinging area below). This is essentially the same thing as letting a site index your site, but it's more targeted towards news and blogs. If you can find a site targeted towards you own site's niche (ex: Gardening, Computers, Autos, etc.), you're sure to boost your traffic levels, as long as your blog has unique content that's updated frequently. An excellent list of sites to submit your RSS feed to is available here: "".
6. Ping Other Sites Automatically when you Update your Blog
As mentioned in the RSS feed section, pinging other sites allows other sites to get updates from your blog much sooner and automatically when you make a new post. This is very much like the Google Sitemap plugin (the concept is, anyway). To have your blog update other sites when you update it, login to your Wordpress' admin area. Select "Options" from the main menu, then select "Writing" on the next page (sub-menu). You may want to choose others, but I have the following sites in my blog to ping:
Please keep in mind, unless you install the "No Ping Wait" plugin, there will be a delay after you make each post (while your blog contacts the other servers to ping them).
7. Use "alt" and "title" tags, respectively, on your posts images and links
Using "Alt" tags on your images and "Title" tags not only helps your search engine rankings, but it also helps disabled people with screen readers view the content on your site. It also can help your page be valid HTML (another thing that can help your SE ranking). I recommend simply describing the link/image and not trying to cram tons of keywords to boost your ranking. For more information on doing this, visit W3C's site and look up the tag for the version of HTML/XHTML used on your site (if you want it to be valid).
8. Exchange links with other relevant sites, but don't use exchange networks Exchanging links with other sites can help your rankings tremendously, but trading with the wrong sites can do the opposite. That's why I reccommend only trading with sites that are relevant to your own and are listed in Google. One-Way links are placed much higher in Google than reciprocal links, so free or paid directory links would be even better. An excellent list of SEO friendly directories can be found here: "". Using an exchange network can have adverse effects on your site due to the general quality of sites in them. Basically, a one-way text link on a high PageRank directory is the best route. Be sure to use good keywords in your link/title, as Google takes this into account for keyword/phrase rankings.
9. Post short, interesting posts on your blog daily to keep readers coming back for more
You don't have to write a book to keep readers coming. In fact, most people like reading short and simple articles that are straight to the point. By giving readers what they want, you are increasing the probability that they will come back. Choose interesting topics to post on your blog that are relevant to your site's niche. For example, if Ferrari just released a new car and you have an Auto blog, you could post a short paragraph summarizing the information about the car and your opinion, include a picture or two of the car, and include a link to a more in-depth article. Alternatively, you could re-write the article (it allowed) and post a link back to the site in a "Source" list under or above your own article. Doing this will keep readers on your site.
10. Share your site with people you know, and ask them to tell others they know
While it may not seem like much, telling people you know can help you build a site. People you know can offer advice on design, topics, etc. and let people they know about your site. People who know you are also far more likely to comment on your postings, making your site look more active, thereby encouraging others to do the same. If you choose to do this step, ask the person to tell 3 other people they know about your site. This will in effect create a small network of people reading and commenting on your site. Plus, if they really like your site they'll continue to tell others about it.
Article written by Hiram Davis, owner and publisher of
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How To Hire The Ideal Ghostwriter
By R. Sharp
As a webmaster, good writing skills are important to your online business. Unless you're involved in a get-rich-quick scheme a serious webmaster knows that running an online business involves a variety of written content for his site including, sales letters, press releases, articles, newsletters, blogs and more.
Since writing is crucial to your online image, you need to ensure that your content is not only unique, but is also grammatically correct and interesting. If your vocabulary is limited or you're writing in a second language or you have difficulty expressing your self in written form, you need to hire a ghostwriter to write your website content for you.
A ghostwriter is someone who is paid to write professionally for other people, however, their name will not appear on their work. Once payment is received, a ghostwriter relinquishes copyright of the written work and you are free to put your name on it, if you choose.
Often, ghostwriters are hired to write articles, newsletters, e-books, blogs, forum posts, speeches, proposals, novels, grants, resumes, manuals, memoirs, or most any kind of written work imaginable. Before hiring a ghostwriter, however, it's important to understand that there are different types of ghostwriters that are available.
There are ghostwriters who specialize in writing grants and proposals, while others may specialize in proofreading and editing. It's important to keep in mind, therefore, that not all ghostwriters can do all jobs. So, before deciding on a ghostwriter, you need to make sure that they can perform the job that you want them to do. The best way to do this is to ask for a writing sample of the type of writing that you would like them to produce for you. Asking for references of past clients for similar work as what you would like, should also be helpful.
In addition to carefully checking out a ghostwriter's specialization, you also need to check that he or she produces unique content and does not plagiarize. While there is no fail-safe way to guarantee that a writer won't plagiarize, a good way to check on this, again, is to discuss this issue with the ghostwriter's former clients.
Furthermore, to ensure the success of your project, you also want to hire a ghostwriter who understands the vision for your project exactly as you see it. If you feel that a writer doesn't quite understand what you're looking for, don’t be afraid to keep looking until you find someone who does.
Trust is another important factor when selecting a ghostwriter. It's important that you trust and feel comfortable with the writer you choose. If you receive some information that makes you feel uncomfortable, from a former client of the ghostwriter or if something that a ghostwriter says doesn't add up, it best to find another writer for your project.
Lastly, an ideal ghostwriter is someone who will agree to sign a contract for their services. In fact, a ghostwriter who doesn't want to sign a contract with you is not someone you want to work with. There are many disreputable people who pose as professional writers on the Internet, so to protect yourself you will want to make sure you have a written agreement with the writer of your choice.
Finding the ideal ghostwriter is not always easy, however, it is attainable. With these simple reminders, it won't be long before you'll find the ideal ghostwriter that's just perfect for you.
Rent A Ghost Writer is a professional ghostwriting site that is a COMPLETELY FREE RESOURCE designed to connect freelance writers seeking writing jobs with clients seeking to hire ghost writers.
Blogging For Dollars: Your One-Minute Business
By Angela Booth
Have you ever wanted to work for yourself? Imagine - you could decide when and where you work, how much you want to earn, and best of all, no one could ever fire you.
What if I told you that you could start your own business in less than one minute?
You can.
You can start your own business in less than one minute by creating a blog. A blog is essentially an instant-publishing solution. Think of it as creating your own magazine. If that sounds intimidating, it's not. You're a mine of information and knowledge, but you're using all that know-how for someone else. When you create a blog, you're using that information for yourself.
You can create your blog today, and start adding entries to it. You can even monetize your blog today. Tomorrow, and for the next few weeks, you add more information to your blog. And then - you can make your blog your business, sooner than you thought possible.
Thousands of others are already developing their blogs into low-cost, instant businesses. Would you believe that some bloggers earn tens of thousands of dollars a month? They do. You can do it as well.
Start your blogging business today
You can start your blog in less than one minute. Go to (which is owned by Google) and create a blog. This blog is your new business.
Choose a topic for your blog on which you're an expert. Not an expert? Of course you are. You're an expert on what you do. If you're a mother, you're an expert. If you're a student, you're an expert. If you're a bricklayer, you're an expert.
Or, choose a topic that's your favorite hobby: sports, cooking, eBay auctions - the choices are endless. What do you love? Create a blog based on your passion.
Monetize your blog
Once you've created a Blogger blog, monetizing the blog is easy. Google does it for you, by running AdSense advertisements on your blog. Businesses pay Google to run ads, and Google pays you. You just need to set up an AdSense account (it takes minutes), wait for Google to approve it (takes a day) and then insert the ads into your blog. Check the Blogger Help file for all the information you need.
Keep adding information, and collect cash
The next step is to keep adding information - blog entries - to your blog. The rate at which you add entries is up to you. You'll find that the first few days of creating entries take longest. This is because you're building your blogging muscles. Within four days, you'll have gotten into the swing of it, and you'll find that it just takes minutes to create a blog entry.
As you add entries, they will be indexed in Google, and when readers visit your blog and click on the AdSense ads, you earn money. The more visitors, the more you earn. It takes around a month for you to start seeing consistent income from your blog. Then, as you keep blogging, your income will rise steadily.
There are many other ways to earn income from your blog.
So there you have it: your one-minute business. No other business is as easy or as simple. And very few other businesses are as profitable.
Angela Booth is a veteran copywriter and blogger. Her ebook, Blogging For Dollars: How to become a career blogger -- in your PJs, if you want, is available at You can visit the book's blog at Angela will show you how to turn a humble blog into a great career, or a lucrative business.
Article Marketing: How to Market Your Articles on Other People's Newsletters
By Jeff Herring
Marketing your articles in other people's newsletters is a powerful way to build your business. You can reach hundreds and thousands of people you could not have reached before.
When you have written a few or many articles you have a ready list of content to use in other people's newsletters.
When you post your articles in article directories, newsletter publishers come to the article directories looking for content, find you and use your article in their newsletter. You then are able to reach hundreds of people you could not have reached before.
Let me count the ways.....
There are several ways to use your articles in other people's newsletters:
1. A short article in its entirety - A short article is perfect for use in a newsletter. Informative, good content that is easily and quickly read will make you a hit.
2. Start a longer article - You can take one longer article, begin it in the newsletter and then provide a link to your website or blog so the reader can finish the article.
3. Turn a longer article into a series Take a longer article and turn it into a series of articles across several issues. This can really build anticipation for the next issue.
Visit for more leading edge tips and tools for writing articles that bring you prospects, publicity and profits. You can also subscribe to our monthly Article Writing & Marketing Tips Newsletter. You are also invited to visit my Express-Start Article Writing Program for more information on the next article writing tele-seminar.
Article Marketing: How to Market Articles on Your Own Blog
By Jeff Herring
Marketing articles is one of the best ways to promote your business and get more prospects, publicity and profits. One of the best places to market your articles is in your own blog.
How to use articles on your blog
A blog is a great place for very short articles. Here are just a few of the ways you can use articles on your own blog.
Another great idea using articles on your blog comes from Patsi Krakoff and Denise Wakeman of The Blog Squad. They give a teleseminar on "From Blog to Book" how to write your book or e-book by posting short and/or longer articles on your blog.
Still another way you can use articles on your blog is to post a portion of an article on your blog, and then provide a link for your reader to click on to read the rest of your article on your web site. This is a great way to get more visitors to your blog, which turn into more prospects, publicity and profits.
Visit for more leading edge tips and tools for writing articles that bring you prospects, publicity and profits. You can also subscribe to our monthly Article Writing & Marketing Tips Newsletter. You are also invited to visit my Express-Start Article Writing Program for more information on the next article writing tele-seminar.
Set Your Book Up to Succeed with a Marketing Plan, Part 1
By Earma Brown
Have you developed your book's marketing plan yet? You know now really is better than later. There are 2 facts to realize in developing your promotion plan. Know it begins the day you conceive your book idea and never ends.
The other is the more you write the better you become at it. You need to begin building name recognition in your field. In other words, you want to begin developing your public image related to your book.
No I’m not suggesting you become a politician but I am saying you must get involved in your book’s promotion. After all, you are the one that cares the most for your project. Many authors and especially small business owners/authors dread book promotion like a plague. They say, "With all that I already do, I jumped the hurdle of writing and completing my book, now I have to promote it as well –arggh."
Look at it this way; you have more to gain than anyone in the success of your book. Therefore, when developing your book marketing plan you should:
Set Realistic Expectations
I hate to be the one to break the news to you. But I felt I must be honest. Many writers set themselves up for failure by having wrong expectations. The reason successful authors and writers embrace a plan (program) is because they know it is highly unlikely they will get rich from sales of their book.
They know writing and publishing a book will change their life. But they realize that most of the rewards will come from sources other than their publisher. You must realize your book is a product and as a product it has to be marketed. Your plan provides a map for everything you do afterwards.
Know the Difference from your plan and proposal
Your book marketing plan is what I describe as your map. It describes your book, what you will do after the book is completed and published. It also describes who you hope to sell your book to – target audience. So in short you can say your book marketing plan is your roadmap to success and profits.
Your book proposal is a sales (direct-marketing) document with a sole purpose. It‘s single purpose is to convince a publisher that your book will earn a profit, if published. The proposal should focus on the size and buying power of the targeted market you will attract, the problem your book solves, how your book plans to solve the problem, how different your book is from others already published on the subject and how you plan to promote your book.
If you have selected a traditional method of publishing, you can and should develop your proposal before you even write your book. It will help solidify and crystallize some of your ideas. In fact, how well you develop your proposal including a detailed table of contents or chapter outline in your proposal, the easier and faster you can get started mining your ideas, creating a structure and writing your book.
The publishing world and our society have changed. Writing and publishing your book can still change your life. But now a book is not the be-all and end-all, it is simply a tool that allows you to become a more successful business person, taking the profitable road to success and destiny.
© Earma Brown, 11 year author and business owner helps small business owners and writers who want to write their best book now! Author of 'Write Your Best Book Now', she mentors other writers and business professionals through her monthly ezine 'iScribe' Subscribe now at for FREE mini-course 'Jumpstart Writing Your Best Book' or visit Write and Promote Your Book
Set Your Book Up to Succeed with a Marketing Plan, Part 2
By Earma Brown
Have you developed your book's marketing plan yet? You know now really is better than later. There are 2 facts to realize in developing your promotion plan. Realize it begins the day you conceive your book idea and never ends.
The other is the more you write the better you become at it. You need to begin building name recognition in your field. In other words, you want to begin developing your public image.
No I’m not suggesting you become a politician but I am saying you must get involved in your book’s promotion. After all, you are the one that cares the most for your project. Many authors and especially small business owners/authors dread book promotion like a plague. They say, "With all that I already do, I jumped the hurdle of writing and completing my book, now I have to promote it as well –arggh."
Look at it this way; you have more to gain than anyone in the success of your book. Therefore, your book marketing plan should include:
• Media. Magazines, newsletters and newspapers which you can submit to for free. It’s o.k. to get paid, if you must but you are most importantly after the exposure.
• Community groups. Expand your public image in your field. Give your book maximum exposure; offer your expertise to community groups. Unless, your creditability is already established offer to speak for free.
• Associations. Explore your field's associations. Many sponsor conventions and trade shows where you can speak or serve on a panel. You may already be known in your associations but many don't know you've recently written a book.
Develop a list of contacts. Offer them your free articles that combine your knowledge and focuses on their organization’s needs.
Develop your website. If you don’t have one that focuses on your book or you as an individual, create one. Your website is now one of the first places agents, publishers and clients will look to find out more about you. The better quality it is, the more it will pre-sell your book proposal or your book itself. First impressions are important. Make your website a good one that accurately reflects you as an individual.
During the planning stage of your book don’t forget to include the passion points (Write Your Best Book Now: 7 Step Book Writing Program) designed to sell your book. One of those passion points is to identify and contact the influencers in your field. As early as possible, send them your book’s table of contents and two sample chapters. The two sample chapters and table of contents help prove your commitment and intention to complete your book project. Make it your biggest goal to have a “name” or trusted authority in your field endorse your book by either providing a brief quote or testimonial for the front or back cover.
One good way of approaching an established authority is to interview them. This establishes at least a dialog with them. In the process of interviewing, at the opportune moment you can ask for a quote or even an overview/introduction for your book project. Some might ask for a symbolic honorarium but most will be pleased to write a brief overview or testimonial for your book project because it further promotes them in their endeavors.
Beyond quotes, your book marketing plan should include a list of review copies of your book for possible mention, review in their publication or website.
The publishing world and our society have changed. Writing and publishing your book can still change your life. But now a book is not the be-all and end-all, it is simply a tool that allows you to become a more successful business person, taking the profitable road to success and destiny.
© Earma Brown, 11 year author and business owner helps small business owners and writers who want to write their best book now! Author of 'Write Your Best Book Now', she mentors other writers and business professionals through her monthly ezine 'iScribe' Subscribe now at for FREE mini-course 'Jumpstart Writing Your Best Book' or visit Writing a Book for more book writing tips.
10 Proven Ideas to Promote Your Book Online, P1
By Earma Brown
Honeymoon over with your book sales? Did your book sell as well as you hoped? Could your sales use a shot in the arm? Perhaps you are just starting and looking for ways to sell your book.
Either way, I've got good news for you! Join the Information Revolution. There's a whole new Internet audience waiting to hear about your insightful book that solves their problem in your field. Include Internet Marketing in your promotion plan. Use a couple of these guaranteed marketing techniques and explode your book sales to a whole new level.
_____1. Create a book marketing plan or revise your old one to include Internet Marketing. Your book marketing plan is what I often describe as your map. It describes your book, what you will do after the book is completed and published. It also describes who you hope to sell your book to – target audience.
_____2. Develop an easy author's website to jumpstart your Internet Marketing plan. If you don't have one that focuses on your book or you as an individual, create one. Your website is now one of the first places clients will look to find out more about you. The better quality it is, the more it will pre-sell you and your book itself. First impressions are important. Make your website a good one that accurately reflects your book and you as an individual.
_____3. Know the one sentence version of your "mission statement" to attract new targeted clients through email. Remember prospects don't buy your education or career titles, they want to know what's in it to help them. Place that one sentence as the second line of your signature file.
_____4. Put your power-packed signature file at the bottom of each email you send. It will soft-sell your book each time you contact someone via email. Be sure to develop different signature files for different promotions. Use each one to drive targeted visitors to your book's website.
_____5. Write a sales letter for each book you want to sell. Like a mini-salesman, your sales letter will sell your book 24/7 and make you money even while you sleep.
If you don't start your Internet Marketing plan, you could be this time next year with the same disappointing level of sales. Don't wait join the Information Revolution today; use any of the above marketing ideas to explode your book sales to a new level. Discover the promotion techniques it takes to have an abundance of customers every month.
10 Proven Ideas to Promote Your Book Online, P2
By Earma Brown
Honeymoon over with your book sales? Did your book sell as well as you hoped? Could your sales use a shot in the arm? Perhaps you are just starting and looking for ways to sell your book.
Either way, I've got good news for you! Join the Information Revolution. There's a whole new Internet audience waiting to hear about your insightful book that solves their problem in your field. Include Internet Marketing in your promotion plan. Use a couple of these guaranteed marketing techniques and explode your book sales to a whole new level.
_____6. Use benefits and features throughout your marketing copy. Do you know the difference? Knowing that benefits sell and features explain make your promotions like a magnet that attract your best customers.
_____7. Create cds, tapes and videos of your speeches promoting your book. Then package them and sell them from your website. Post mini-audio clips to offer your web visitors a sample. Additionally, you can choose a speech and offer it as a gift to your web visitors. They can listen to it On-Demand or use it as an incentive to sign-up for your ezine.
_____8. Create short articles from your book excerpts and submit to ezines, directories and online groups. The articles will help build your creditability as an expert in your field. Additionally, the signature files at the end of each article if developed correctly will drive thousands of targeted visitors to your website.
_____9. Develop and email your own ezine that helps you stay in touch with prospects to build trust. Does a newsletter sound overwhelming? Try doing a short e-column on the subject of your book. Either way make sure you follow up with your visitors. Researchers say most will buy after 5-7 exposures to your sales message.
_____10. Create a short eBook on a similar topic as your book to help brand your business and attract new readers. A short ebook of 10-100 pages could turn into a traffic virus that's contagious to all your web visitors. Soon your name would be known as one of the experts in your field.
If you don't start your Internet Marketing plan, you could be this time next year with the same disappointing level of sales. Don't wait join the Information Revolution today; use any of the above marketing ideas to explode your book sales to a new level. Discover the promotion techniques it takes to have an abundance of customers every month.
© Earma Brown, 11 year author and business owner helps small business owners and writers who want to write their best book now! Author of 'Write Your Best Book Now', she mentors other writers and business professionals through her monthly ezine 'iScribe' Subscribe now at for FREE mini-course 'Jumpstart Writing Your Best Book' or visit Write a Book for more book writing and marketing tips.
Making Money Online: Blogs vesus Subscription Websites
By Miles Galliford
What is the difference between a blog and a subscription website?
This is a question we are often asked.
Our answer usually goes along these lines:
There are some similarities and many differences between blogs and subscription websites.
Let us start with the similarities:
1. The majority of blogs and subscription websites focus on a narrow specialisation. For example, fly fishing in Scotland or beer distribution in the US.
2. Both are usually driven by an individual’s passion and expertise for their specialisation.
3. Both involve writing about this specialisation and posting this information on the web in a timely way
Now the differences:
1. Blogs are usually written by people wishing to share their opinion and expertise.
2. Very few blogs make money.
3. Even fewer allow their editors to do it as a full time job.
4. Subscription websites are usually setup as commercial businesses. Their intention from the outset is to generate income from providing access to unique and expert knowledge.
5. The single owner or small team are usually full-time.
6. Blogs give all their content away for free. Any revenues are generated by advertising revenues or referral to another business activity. Subscription websites usually require members to pay to get access to their premium content.
Today there are around 50 million active blogs. It is estimated that less than 500 of these make sufficient revenue to give one or more people a full time income.
There are probably less than 30,000 subscription websites on the internet, but we would estimate that over 80% of these are generating a full time income for their owner or company. Some are making many millions of dollars.
For the more internet savvy, it is worth putting some numbers around the different revenue generation methods – Advertising vs. Subscription.
Assume a website publisher wanted to make $100,000 per year from their specialist content website. These are the rough sums:
A Blog with Advertising
The average revenue from advertising for a blog is $3 for every 1,000 pages viewed ($3 per CPM). To achieve $100,000 revenue a site would have to have roughly half million visitors every month each viewing an average of four pages a visit (2.7m pageviews/month).
A Subscription Website
For a subscription website to achieve $100,000 revenue they would need to have 834 subscribers each paying $9.95 a month.
Blogs need high volumes of traffic to generate advertising revenues. Subscription websites need a lower number of highly dedicated and committed members.
The type of content also tends to differ.
Blogs generally provide highly time sensitive news and opinions about their niche subject. Successful bloggers often post multiple times every day. Their goal is to get readers visiting a little and often. This tends to generate the most advertising revenues.
Subscription websites tend to have a much more diverse range of content including:
• Directories
• How-to articles
• Applications (e.g. online investment portfolio management)
• Forums
• Events calendars
• News and views
The objective of the subscription website publisher is to ensure their members renew their subscription every year. As a result the content is created to have a much longer shelf life. It encourages member interaction and usually includes archives of longer feature articles which members can re-read.
Blogs tend to have just one stream of content in the form of a daily diary available to all visitors. This is usually scrolled on the home page and is frequently updated. Subscription websites tend to have multiple areas of content including free and paid for, feature articles and news, forums and directories, etc. This depth and structure is again intended to create an environment where members want to spend their time learning and sharing with their peers.
Which is Right for You?
At the end of the day only you can decide.
Blogs succeed by creating daily content driven by news and opinion. They rely on traffic volume to generate advertising income.
Subscription websites succeed by creating a relatively small, but strong community of dedicated members. The content tends to be more detailed and re-usable, and the sites rely on interaction with and between members to create loyalty.
Ask yourself which is more achievable for you; attracting half a million visitors a month, or recruiting a thousand paying members?
Miles Galliford is the co-founder of SubHub Miles has been running successful internet companies since 1998. SubHub provides everything that an individual or organisation needs, from the technology platform to the know-how, to build, run and grow a successful subscription website business. To find many more articles about subscription website publishing visit
Internet Explorer 7 = RSS Consumption Explosion
By Matt Ambrose
Does your website provide an RSS news feed?
Do you know what RSS is?
Do you care?
If up until now you haven’t taken any interest in RSS very soon you won’t have a choice. The imminent arrival of Internet Explorer 7 could well change the way information is found, distributed and read.
IE7 will make it easier than ever before to promote your news feed to visitors, and subscribing will be as simple as adding a new bookmark. IE7 will push RSS from the domain of just the web savvy and into the mainstream. Hold tight because there is about to be an RSS explosion and your business better be ready for it.
Few people will buy your product or service the first time they visit your site. If you have an RSS feed then you have the opportunity to build trust and confidence over time (see my earlier posts on RSS and blogging for more info on how you can use RSS to market your business).
The use of RSS is set to explode in usage and become as important a content delivery vehicle as email. The hurdles of having to understand how RSS works and knowing what a news aggregator is are due to be vaulted in one giant leap.
IE7 is now in its third stage of beta testing with the official version to go live before the end of the year. As well as closing various security holes and a new lick of paint, the new web browser will feature an RSS button bolted into its toolbar. Megan Kidd, Microsoft Windows Product Manager, hailed, “We believe that RSS is key to how people will be using the Internet in the future.”
The new IE7’s RSS button will light up to visually show if a site provides a news feed. It is then simply a case of clicking on the button and subscribing. This could replace bookmarks as the way people log sites of interest.
With full RSS support in the new Outlook and Windows Vista, your feeds will soon be delivered straight to your desktop. Why waste time checking through all your bookmarks when you can receive updates automatically?
So what does this mean to your business?
The imminent spread of RSS could change the way in which the Internet is used for information. People will increasingly rely on their RSS feeds to gain the latest industry and product news. You don’t waste time walking to the newsagent when you can have your newspaper delivered straight to your door.
The importance of regularly updated content will go beyond being merely part of an ‘organic’ SEO strategy. Web users will be subscribing to news feeds in far greater numbers, and this will determine which sites gain the most attention. It will be the businesses providing the latest news and articles who will prosper in the new content driven online world.
As RSS achieves mass market penetration you could even see it start to replace email. With inboxes being clogged up with spam and messages blocked by overzealous junk filters, RSS offers a new vehicle for contacting subscribers.
The mass delivery of content such as newsletters, product updates and industry news could all be handled by RSS. That way it is guaranteed to reach subscribers and is far more likely to be read.
If you are serious about marketing online and developing relationships with potential customers you need to start forming your RSS strategy. IE7 will be out before the end of the year. By that point you will want to ensure that the RSS button lights up whenever people land on your site.
Please visit for more information about my business blogging services and the answer to all your web content needs.
Thanks for reading,
How to Self-Syndicate Articles to Create a Buzz for Your Books
By Dorothy Thompson
With the release of one of my latest books, I searched for ways to promote just like the rest of you did. I maintained a sharp website with links to where readers can buy my book, obtained almost fifty endorsements before the book was even released, sought out publications who would review my book or give me an interview and even hob-nobbed with authors whose books are similar to mine to exchange book ads for free. While these are excellent promotional tactics to take, there’s another marketing strategy that will not only sell your books, but will turn you into an instant expert.
It’s called self-syndication.
What is self-syndication and how does it work to sell my books?
Self-syndication is simply writing articles in your field of expertise and sending them out to online magazines and content ezines yourself.
I discovered this promotional tactic by following the path of those authors who write in the same genre as I did which was at that time romance. In my research, I found that relationship websites are booming and the editors need columnists or even articles related to finding the one you love and keeping them. This can work for other genres, as well!
Even though the majority of these online venues do not pay, this is not your goal for doing it. You want to put your book or website up at every available place there is without having to pay to do so. You might not be getting richer with your articles, but the sales from someone reading your article and clicking on your website link, will boost sales incredibly. Instead of paying to place your book (or website) on sites, this is free and free is good!
In my case, since one of my last books dealt with romance and relationships, I wrote articles pertaining to my subject. Next, I put the words “online relationship magazines” in a search engine and found an incredible wealth of information. One of the best sites to find what you are looking for is Put whatever kind of publication you are looking for in their search and you have conquered the first step.
Once you find a publication that publishes the kind of content you can provide, look for a link on their site that tells you how to submit. Can’t find it? Look for the link that says, “contact us.” I found that I had to use the latter link in many of my inquiries.
What to say?
My pitch is short and sweet. I used to send lots more information, but that’s not needed. If they reply back, they will ask for more information. I will use my pitch letter below to show you how I did it:
Dear Editor (try to find their name as this will give you incredible brownie points),
I write a “soul mate” relationship column that is distributed on the web called “Romancing the Soul” and I was wondering how to go about submitting a column idea (or article) to you for your ezine, “Name of Ezine.”
I am also the compiler/editor (or author, in your case) of “Romancing the Soul—True Soul Mate Stories from around the World and Beyond” which was just released this month. (I give this little tidbit of information so that the editor can see I’m a published author.)
Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.
Dorothy Thompson (I give my url for the simple reason that the editor might click on it to see what I’ve written.)
See? Short and sweet.
I don’t know if this strategy will work for you, but it’s worked for me. I am syndicating my column to over twenty romance websites with that one simple pitch letter. I’ve even been asked to be a featured columnist on some of them. Not only will my article appear, but my photo and book information will go up, too.
The benefits?
The benefits to writing and syndicating your articles can only spell success for you and your book. In order to sell your book, you have to sell yourself, too, and what better way for people to get to know how you write than by reading your columns at these various websites.
The main point I’m stressing is that you are also creating yourself as an “expert” in your field. The media (print, radio and television) is on the constant lookout for experts to appear on their shows or in their magazines and you could be the one they seek!
It’s a win-win situation. Once you establish yourself as an expert, the media will be at your feet. After all, they need well-informed guests to fill their slots and your experience is just might be what they’re looking for.
Start creating articles related to your book or any subject that you are well-informed about. The bio at the end of each article will send potential buyers to your website to buy your books (or services) and by doing this, you’ll also be creating a buzz about your books. All it takes is a little time to get your list of websites looking for content and you’re on your way to becoming not only a syndicated columnist, but as a vehicle to sell your books, too!
© Dorothy Thompson
Dorothy Thompson is a self-syndicated columnist and editor/founder of The Writer’s Life, one of Writer’s Digest Magazine’s Top 101 Websites for Writers. She is also the author of the eBook “A Complete Guide to Promoting & Selling Your Self-Published eBook” and other self-published eBooks, as well as the editor/contributing author of the soul mate anthology, “Romancing the Soul.” You can visit her writing ezine at or her personal site at
Five Ways To Learn How To Self-Publish Profitable Books
By Hal Gieseking
"Build your advertising campaign around a BIG IDEA or it will fail."
David Ogilvy, certainly one of the five greatest advertising people who ever lived, constantly preached that advice to his staff. I was a creative supervisor for his agency, Ogilvy & Mather, Inc. in New York for eight years, creating print and TV ads for clients that included American Express, IBM, KLM Airlines, United States Travel Services and others. I tried very hard to find the "big idea," not always successfully. I hit more "doubles" than "home runs" but D.O., as Ogilvy was referred to in interoffice memos, always stressed swinging hard at every advertising pitch.
I often learned more from my strike outs than my occasional home runs, and I later applied what I learned when I started my own book publishing firm. Look for a "big idea" for the book. Decide who can most benefit from the book and write it for that audience. Consider how you can test the waters for a book and presell it to reduce the costs of failure (which are common and high in the book publishing field).
Here are five things I have learned about reducing the risks and increasing the rewards of self publishing books. I hope some of these may help you.
1. Build a reputation in the field that you know by writing about what you know.
I knew a great deal about travel advertising and marketing. I wrote to Gordon Greer who was then travel editor of Better Homes & Gardens and proposed a series of consumer-oriented articles about how to read travel brochures and ads, how to reduce the costs of trips, and how to avoid the growing number of travel scams. I wrote three articles for BH&G and had my first journalist credits in a national magazine.
2. Earn money as you write your book by creating a subscription newsletter
Everything in life can be a stepping stone. Based on my experience in travel advertising and travel journalism, I interested a large corporation in sponsoring the Travel Advisor - a monthly consumer newsletter with an annual subscription price of $35. Because of the direct mail marketing expertise of the corporation, we had more than 30,000 subscribers. I researched the articles carefully, e.g., "Why you may pay twice as much as the person sitting next to you on the airline," and "Why hotels overbook." I then selected the best of these articles and combined them into a book that was published by Simon & Schuster, CONSUMER HANDBOOK FOR TRAVELERS. Several years later I developed a newsletter of job hunting techniques. The newsletter never sold well, but I had all the chapters for a new book, 30 DAYS TO A GOOD JOB. sold in a record 48 hours to Simon & Schuster.
3. "Package" books for publishers.
I looked for Big Ideas that might interest publishers. A simple way to look for trends is to type key words into google search. Then check how many pages are listed for Bed & Breakfast, Home Exchanges, Time sharing, etc. A semi-annual check of the increase in pages indicates the subject is getting "hotter" in the minds of the public. I have brought together writers, photographers and artists to create new books for major publishers on bed & breakfasts, travel and nature guides, etc. You can check some of these books under my name in
4. Learn through trial and error how to self publish books"
I never met a vanity publishing company that I liked. Some companies that promise great rewards for unknown authors have turned out to be more scamsters than publishers, charging outrageous fees and providing few marketing services for writers. My first self published book, CARING FOR PETS, turned out to be a dog. I got good publicity but sold only about a hundred copies. Then I had to pay warehouse storage fees on the unsold books. Finally I offered the lot to Doris Day to use as premiums for donors to her pet foundation. Got a nice letter from Doris and a decent tax deduction. But now print on demand has become a godsend for writers. There are a growning number of these publishers, but my favorite is lulu at They don't charge for prep work and guide you with online help. They also help sell your book on their website and send you royalty checks.
Customize self published books for higher profits
Print on demand and fast turnaround (a printed book within a week) allows me to create books that are as current as weekly magazines and to create special editions of books for "sponsors." For example, I put the ReMax logo on the cover of the WILLIAMSBURG ONE-DAY TRIP BOOK and some of a ReMax agency's property listings in the back of the book. I sold 5,000 copies to a large timeshare comany that gave them to prospects. I am working with a leader of the Lutheran Church who has written a wonderful book, LAUGHTER - using good humor to raise your spirits and celebrate the risen Christ. Individual churches can add their own messages to this book. My current nonfiction book, REINVENT YOURSELF. features advice from 40 successful Americans that I interviewed. CEOs and individuals can customize this book with their own messages of advice. Best selling self published books are internet marketing, web design, travel guides, other self-help guides. Novels, in general, do not sell well either as self published books or on the Internet.
Hal Gieseking is a past president of the Society of American Travel Writers and former Consumer Editor of Travel Holiday magazine. He is currently CEO of the Business Scribe, Inc. and can be reached at Much of his material is published on his internet site
Publish Your Poems the Easy Way
By Edward A. Weiss
So, you want to publish your poems. But you think it's not worth the time or effort. If I hadn't published my own successful book of poems, I'd say you were right. But by actually doing it myself I've learned a lot. Let me share with you what I did.
First, of course, I finished writing the poetry. I write haiku so my task is a lot easier than most, but that shouldn't deter you either way. I wrote at least 5 poems a day (usually a lot more) and I finished an entire book in less than a month! That's from not having anything, to having a finished book in hand.
Poetry writers have a huge advantage over other fiction writers because we can quickly fill a book. Each page receives one poem and the work can be finished fast!
After I got together over 100 poems (125 to be exact) it was time to create the book. I created my first book "Seashore Haiku" on Microsoft Word 97. Yes, you heard correctly. The cover, the interior pages - all were done using this software program.
I then converted the word document into a PDF file using a free software program called PDF 995. It's great and allows you to convert your word files very easily.
I decided I didn't want to go the usual 5x8 or 6x9 format. I did a custom size 5.5 x 5.5 and it turned out great. I also investigated Lulu, the POD publisher everyone raves about. I decided to skip them and actually have the books printed myself and I'm really glad I did. Lulu takes too much of the profit and they don't do anything to sell your books.
I went with a company called 48-hour books and they did a fantastic job! Plus they give you 25 extra books when you order 100 or more. I ordered 175 books from them and they arrived in pristine condition. You can take a look at the book by clicking the link below.
Edward Weiss is a poet, author, and publisher of Wisteria Press. He has been helping students learn how to write haiku for many years and has just released his first book "Seashore Haiku!" Sign up for free daily haiku and get beautiful haiku poems in your inbox each morning! Visit for haiku books, lessons, articles, and more!
Give Your Book Title Marketing Appeal for the Masses, P1
By Earma Brown
Does your book title still sound like a working title? Most working titles should never make it through the final edit. Titles are one of the most important aspects of your book. Getting this aspect wrong could mean your book never receives all the attention your message deserves.
Researchers say a dud title versus a sizzler title can cause your book to plummet or soar in sales. Therefore, you owe it to yourself and book's success to develop your best title. After all, the better your title -the more people will reach out- and grab your book to read. Develop your title to have marketing appeal for the masses.
To make sure your book garners all the attention it deserves, start with one of the top ten book title sizzlers below:
Use Concept and Memes to Connect Instantly.
One of the leading rules of developing a sizzling title is to aim for a concept, a memes, a word, or phrase that tell a story that your readers can immediately connect with and want to associate with. Names that tell a story, or express a benefit, are memes. They are words or visual images that tell a story at a glance.
As a primer to developing your own title, visit Sears and look at the brand names of their proprietary products. The short names of these products are concepts; that tell a story in an instant. At a glance you get it.
You understand the message. Examples, include Diehard batteries, Weather-Beater paints and Craftsman tools. Each products name is a concept. Think about it, which product would you be attracted to "Diehard" or "Stop Slow". Or would you choose tools with the name "Apprentice" or "Craftsman?"
Many successful books are based on concepts or memes. For example, "A Happy Pocket Full of Money" by David Cameron tells a story of happiness and money. From the title you know this book is going to be about getting more money in your pocket.
The Chicken Soup series instantly brings images of comfort and being cared for. It resonated with a whole generation of Americans that have bought the book into the hundreds of thousands. The Dummies series communicate anyone can read one of these books because you don't have to know anything to get it. People automatically know the book will somehow make the complex simple to understand.
When developing your title, think of a concept, a meme, or phrase, that tell a story that your readers will instantly understand and want to be a part of. You may ask where are the benefits you're always telling me to include. The benefits are still a part of the meme title but a suggestive part. Your mind will fill in the benefit because it's an understood part of the story. For example:
Chicken Soup brings the comfort and care of good stories. Pocket Full of Money know how to get a pocket full of money and gain happiness. Dummies communicates you don't have to be an expert to understand the book.
Don't forget when creating your title, your possibilities are limitless. Choose a title that is flexible enough to be expanded into more than one book. Think series, including other information products that can be developed and sold from your website.
© Earma Brown, 11 year author and business owner helps small business owners and writers who want to write their best book now! Author of 'Write Your Best Book Now', she mentors other writers and business professionals through her monthly ezine 'iScribe' Subscribe now at for FREE mini-course 'Jumpstart Writing Your Best Book' or visit Write Your Own Book for more book writing and marketing tips.
Give Your Book Title Marketing Appeal for the Masses, Part 2
By Earma Brown
Finished your book? Congratulations! But wait, does your book title still sound like a working title? Most working titles should never make it through the final edit. Titles are one of the most important aspects of your book. Getting this aspect wrong could mean your book never receives all the attention your message deserves.
Researchers say a dud title versus a sizzler title can cause your book to plummet or soar in sales. Therefore, you owe it to yourself and book's success to develop your best title. After all, the better your title -the more people will reach out- and grab your book to read. Develop your title to have marketing appeal for the masses.
To make sure your book garners all the attention it deserves, start with one more of the top ten book title sizzlers below:
2. Quantify Change and Add Time Limits
Another characteristic to incorporate in developing your best title is to promise change. In your title spell out the change that readers can expect if they follow your book's precepts. Let them know what to expect. Use steps, ways and time limits to promise change.
You can add focus and creditability to your title by adding a time frame or quantifying change. C.J. Hayden's book "Get Clients Now!: A 28-Day Marketing Program for Professionals and Consultants" The first part of the title tells what the book is about. Adding now brings immediacy. The (28-Day) part emphasizes that the reader will get day-by-day instruction and probably enjoy results in less than a month.
The author's "Write Your Best Book Now: An Easy 7 step writing program for Entrepreneurs and Writers" uses the same principle of adding immediacy with the word now. She also quantified change with steps that communicate to the reader read this book and they will get their best book written in 7 easy steps. Other good examples of quantifying change are "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey and "7 Steps to Fearless Speaking" by Lilyan Wilder.
Another change oriented title is "Weigh Down: An Inspirational Way to Lose Weight, Stay Slim and Find a New You" or "How to Be a Great Communicator In Person, On Paper, and on the Podium: The Complete System for communication Effectively in Business & In Life.
Change motivating titles often begin by identifying their target market including the problem, event or characteristics the book address. In doing so, they promise an easy structure leading to the promised change. List instantly communicate easier success by changing big task into a series of smaller tasks. Don't forget when creating your title, your possibilities are limitless. Choose a title that is flexible enough to be expanded into more than one book. Think series, including other information products that can be developed and sold from your website.
© Earma Brown, 11 year author and business owner helps small business owners and writers who want to write their best book now! Author of 'Write Your Best Book Now', she mentors other writers and business professionals through her monthly ezine 'iScribe' Subscribe now at for FREE mini-course 'Jumpstart Writing Your Best Book' or visit How to Write a Book for more book writing and marketing tips.
Set Your Book Up to Succeed with a Marketing Plan, Part 3
By Earma Brown
Have you developed your book's promotion plan yet? You know now really is better than later. There are 2 facts to realize in developing your promotion plan. Realize it begins the day you conceive your book idea and never ends.
The other is the more you write the better you become at it. You need to begin building name recognition in your field. In other words, you want to begin developing your public image.
No I’m not suggesting you become a politician but I am saying you must get involved in your book’s promotion. After all, you are the one that cares the most for your project. Many authors and especially small business owners/authors dread book promotion like a plague. They say, "With all that I already do, I jumped the hurdle of writing and completing my book, now I have to promote it as well –arggh." Look at it this way; you have more to gain than anyone in the success of your book. Therefore, when developing your book marketing plan you should:
Examine Your Competition
Your first step in researching the competition is to visit a large book store locally or go online to and look for similar books. Additionally, visit (Barnes & Nobles Online) and Since you have already identified the problem you want to solve with your book, be sure to include using search engines like to help find articles, reports and websites devoted to the problem.
Don’t depend on your memory of what you have seen. Make notes and combine your research into a single Word document. In your notes make a list, and write down this about each book or document you find:
• Title and author
• Year of publication
• Sales rank
• Reader reviews
• Who wrote the Foreword or Introduction
• Number of editions or printings
Don’t be intimidated if you find more than several books already written on the topic. The fact that there’s existing books shows that the topic is an active one. If you decide to go the traditional route of publishing, you will find publishers are more willing to invest money in a book on a topic with a track record.
I encourage you to buy one or two existing books just to read, noting the case studies and references they cite as well as the quality of information they provide. You should make a mental note at least of things like:
• Is the information presented in an easy to read, helpful way?
• Is the reading a pleasant chore or is it like wading through mud?
• Is the information timely and accurate?
• Do the books contain any reader engagement tools like check-list, worksheets or questions?
One of the reasons for examining your competition’s books is so that you will be able to describe in detail the strengths and weaknesses of existing books in your proposal. And the better your research, the better your proposal will be. Additionally, a good reason is because it lets you know where you can aim as far as positioning. When I was in the planning stage of several of my books, I took the steps just like I told you.
I researched to see what was already in the market and was pleasantly surprised. I saw lots of books on my chosen topic but the quality was not good. Every book I read I thought to myself, “I know I can do better than this.” Now my thinking was not in a negative way. It's just that I found it exciting and motivating to me that my competitive edge would be quality well-presented information.
The publishing world and our society have changed. Writing and publishing your book can still change your life. But now a book is not the be-all and end-all, it is simply a tool that allows you to become a more successful business person, taking the profitable road to success and destiny.
© Earma Brown, 11 year author and business owner helps small business owners and writers who want to write their best book now! Author of 'Write Your Best Book Now', she mentors other writers and business professionals through her monthly ezine 'iScribe' Subscribe now at for FREE mini-course 'Jumpstart Writing Your Best Book' or visit How Write and Market a Book for more book marketing tips.
Give Your Book a Selling Chance Before You Write It
By Earma Brown
Imagine thousands of people buying your book all over the world in the coming year. Furthermore, they love it and write you about how it has helped them. They even email all their friends about your insightful book. Sound far fetched? Believe it; it could happen to you! Keep reading only if you want to give your message the selling chance it deserves.
To start with, every part of your book should be a compelling part of your message. Every part should be written passionately and designed to be a sales tool. Touch your readers' emotion with passion for your topic and you'll sell more books. In fact, when you design your book to include the passion points below, you'll sell more books than you ever imagined.
Passion Point 1 Write Your Book's Thesis Statement.
Write your book's central thought or main point into a one sentence thesis. This one sentence thesis proclaims the general mission of your book. If you want your readers to keep reading to the end, write tightly focused copy. Make every sentence and every chapter support your thesis statement. Better yet, if you're writing your book fast (Write Your Best Book Now - 7 Step Program) using the question-answer method the thesis is the main solution your book offers.
Passion Point 2 Direct Your Book to Help One Targeted Audience.
I don't want to hurt your feelings but not everyone will want your book. Even so, I am convinced there's a community of people in your field waiting for you to solve their problem. What problems does your message solve for them? Develop an audience profile (picture) and keep it in front of you as you write. That way you can visualize a real person to solve problems for. Additionally, knowing your market before you write will help you write focused, compelling chapters. Writing to a specific person or group of people will keep your readers reading to the end. Write too general and your readers may fall asleep and never come back to your book after they wake.
Passion Point 3 Sizzle Your Book Title and Cover.
Your title may well be 90% of the pulling power for your book. Researchers say you have 4 seconds to hook your potential buyer. An excellent title is short. The top titles are benefit driven. Don't forget to heat them up with emotion. Use terms your audience can relate to. Use action words and verbs. Quantify change with ways and time limits. Use one or two word ideas to tell a story. Pledge change. Spark interest. Instead of "How to Write an E-book" the author chose the title "Ten Secrets to Write Your E-book Like a Winner." She quantified change, sparked interest and branded her title.
Passion Point 4 Invest In Your Front Cover.
Have you seen the sign, "We Buy Ugly Houses!" Based on the company's popularity, it works for them. But it doesn't work in the book business. Ugly book covers get overlooked. Well designed book covers sell! Hire a professional graphic designer to help you. Professionally designed covers costs from $130-1400 or more. The cover of your book helps make the important first impression with readers and even book-sellers. Remember, the attention of your potential customer is captured largely and first by the cover design.
Passion Point 5 Compose Your Book Back Cover Before You Write.
This is ranked the second most important "Passion Point" for your book. Think about it in choosing a book to read for yourself, how many times did the title and front cover hook your interest enough to pick it up? Then usually you turn it over to see if you really want to read it. On the back cover, you put the most compelling ad copy, benefits, testimonials, and a small blurb (bio) about yourself. If your prospective buyer likes it they will buy instantly. If they need more information to make the decision they will preview your introduction and table of contents.
No matter how good your book is, if you don't use the above simple tips in setting it up you may never sell as many books as your message deserves. Start today. Enthusiasm and passion are contagious. Give your book the best selling chance possible. Fill it with enthusiasm and passion for your topic to sell more books than you ever dreamed.