3 Ways To Market With Blogs
By Randall A Magwood
Are you using blogs as a part of your internet marketing strategy? If not, then you should. Blogs are easy to rank high in the search engines with, and are excellent for getting more sales and profits simply and easily. You can market almost anything with a blog. Once your blog becomes very successful with a lot of traffic everyday, you should consider adding Google AdSense to your blog along with affiliate programs - and even consider hosting advertising slots on your blog.
All 3 of these ways are great ways to earn money with a blog. If you don't believe me, then you should get started on trying them out yourself. Blogs are easy to create, easy to maintain, and gives you an easy way to customize your blog to make it "sales friendly". If you are looking for ways to make money with a blog, then you have landed on the right place.
In today's lesson, I want to share with you some tips that you can use to make your blog successful. These tips are very easy (since blogs are very easy), and it doesn't matter if you're a newbie or a veteran blogger. These tips are easy to use, and you can start seeing results from them immediately. Here's the first tip to making money with your blog:
1) Go to Blogger.com
Blogger.com is the easiest way to get started with your own blog. They have customizable templates that make it easy for you to customize your blog, and to have it look like something that you can be proud of. Plus, they allow seamless integration with Google AdSense.
I suggest using Blogger.com because of how easy it is to get started. You could have your own blog in about 5 minutes from now. That's how easy it is to get started, plus they are known to rank well in the search engines. If you're a beginner, then this definitely where you will want to start. Here's another tip for making money with a blog:
2) Ping your blog
After each blog post that you make, make sure you "ping" your blog. You can use a simple service such as "pingomatic.com" to ping your blog simply and easily. When you ping your blog, you let the search engine services to come to your blog and check it out, and to index your new content in the search engines. It's a great way to get free traffic even if you know nothing about search engine marketing. Here's the last tip for making money with a blog:
3) Post everyday
Make blog posts everyday. The search engines love new content, and each time that you ping your blog, you will be giving them exactly what they're looking for. Make sure your blog posts are around 300 to 500 words long, and that they are very good in content. The more you post, the more the possibility is for you to get more new blog traffic, and to build up a following of people.
Use these blog marketing tips to earn more money with your blog today.
Good luck with starting your own blog and having success with it.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regarded online marketing experts on the internet. He currently has a free book about internet marketing that helps small business owners market their business online successfully. To learn more and to download this free book, simply visit his website here: http://www.internetmarketing-rules.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Randall_A_Magwood
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